50 Shades of Self-Publishing Opinion

50 Shades of Self-Publishing Opinion

Since self-publishing has grown in popularity and accessibility, the opinion of the literary world as to whether it is a good thing or a bad thing have been varied and polarising. People either love it or loathe it, they tout is as either the destruction of the...
Why More Authors are Choosing to Self-Publish

Why More Authors are Choosing to Self-Publish

It’s no secret that more and more authors, even those who have been traditionally published in the past, are now choosing to self-publish. But why? What is all the hype about? Well, here is my take on the 9 reasons why so many authors are going indie.   1. Higher...
5 Keys to Designing a Killer Book Cover

5 Keys to Designing a Killer Book Cover

I had a client last week that was really struggling with her book cover. We were coming up with some great ideas, but the more feedback she got from friends, colleagues, and target readers, the more confused she ended up being. It got me thinking about what...